Monday, April 4, 2011

Jeannie Hayes Artist statement

My work expresses my emotions and my opinions; it also helps me to connect with my identity and my black history. I feel I’m releasing pent up thoughts and emotions through my art. Things that maybe considered inappropriate or too sensitive for the general public; experiences from a dark period in my lifetime which I haven’t disclosed.
    I enjoy expressing the love I have for my Dad, I make art to honour him. I also express my disappointments and my anger through my art and this helps me to take a good look at myself.
I am a Narringeree Darung Aboriginal Artist. My work is about my life and my connection with my history and I will continue to refine my style.
I like the feel of the materials I use especially brush work on black paper. This is what I feel at ease with it’s like bringing the spirits back to life.
I’m just beginning to do this work and I like exploring different techniques, styles, materials and tools, this will assist my progress. I am trying to challenge my ideas.

home and away3

Most people who know me, refer to me by my nick name of Gypsie.